Mon, 06/25/2018 - 11:27

Last week, on 20th of June, Ansis Zeltiņš, CEO of the Freeport of Riga, and representatives from ACB, general contractor for the construction of the second stage of the Krievu Island Terminal project, familiarised Members of the Freeport of Riga Board with the progress in the construction of the second stage of the Krievu Island project during an on-site visit. Members of the Board gained confidence that the construction of additional infrastructure would be carried out according to the work plan and more than half of the total construction work had been completed in the territories of stevedoring companies.

“What we saw today strengthens our confidence that the principal goal of the Krievu Island project will be successfully achieved, and the complete transfer of bulk cargo operations from the right shore of the Daugava — Andrejsala and Eksportsala territories — to Krievu Island will be carried out as planned. The handling of cargo in one of the most advanced multi-functional terminals in the Baltic Sea Region will start as planned — in 2019”, Andris Ameriks, Chairperson of the Freeport of Riga Board, highlighted.

So far within the framework of the second stage, the construction of the gas pipeline and other underground communications, as well as platforms and railway, has been completed. Works on Krievu Island are being carried out according to the planned schedule of construction works. For example, the construction of power supply cables has practically been completed in the territory of SIA STREK, whereas work on the construction of a water supply system are being actively carried out in the territory of SIA Riga Coal Terminal. Concrete-slab and asphalt cover is currently being constructed for cargo platforms. Stevedoring companies at the site are installing technological equipment and constructing automatic wagon supply systems. The stevedoring companies will install mobile technological equipment for handling cargo. Likewise, works are being carried out on construction of a wind-damping fence. It is planned to complete the construction works and the installation of equipment by the end of 2018.

“During the visit we have gained assurance that all the construction works within the territory of the project are carried out strictly in accordance with the time and work schedules, as well as within budget. We will continue to carefully follow the work progress to complete everything within the set terms and ensure that the terminal is fully prepared for the handling of coal and other bulk cargo starting from next year and complies with the highest environmental protection standards”, Ansis Zeltiņš, CEO of the Freeport of Riga, highlighted.

In caring for the observance of environmental protection standards and the quality of life of the people residing around Krievu Island, a 23m-high dust fence with a length of more than 2 kilometres will be constructed in the territory of the Krievu Island Terminal, which will effectively dampen the wind, preventing coal dust from spreading to the environment. For the construction of the wind fence in the territories of the two stevedoring companies, the construction of foundation piles is currently being carried out. In total, the majority of the planned pile construction work has been carried out at a depth of 24-28 metres. In order to ensure the optimal reduction of wind strength inside the fence and restricting the spread of dust outside the fence, the fence screen material has been selected and will be soon supplied to Krievu Island. The most important function of the wind fence is to effectively dampen the effects of the dominating winds on coal piles, preventing coal dust from blowing into the air and ending up in the environment.

To free the centre of Riga from coal cargo and transfer the handling of coal to the new terminals equipped with modern technologies on Krievu Island, in 2012 the Freeport of Riga Authority commenced the project “Development of Infrastructure on Krievu Island for the Transfer of Port Activities from the City Centre”. On 31 December 2015, the construction of the principal infrastructure of the Krievu Island Terminal was completed, within which 4 deep-water piers (vessel draft 15.5 m) with the combined length of 1,180 metres and the necessary access roads and engineering and technical infrastructure were constructed.

Concurrently, in September 2017, for the purposes of carrying out works on the construction of the additional infrastructure commenced by the Freeport of Riga Authority, stevedoring companies constructed administrative and technological buildings, as well as installed special-purpose equipment for coal handling, crushing, transportation and loading onto ships.
