Tue, 01/09/2007 - 00:00
The cargo turnover of the Freeport of Riga during 2006 has reached 25 357 600 tons, which is by 3.8% more than during 2005, when 24 429 100 tons of cargoes were handled.

During 12 months of the last year 15 347 900 tons of bulk cargoes were handled which is by 3.9% more than during 2005, when 14 766 100 tons were handled.

The amount of general cargoes handled during 2006 has dropped by 18.2%, reaching 5 076 600 tons, if comparing with 2005, when 6 204 100 tons of general cargoes were handled.

The most significant raise of the turnover was for the liquid cargoes. The turnover during 2006 has reached 4 933 100 tons, which is by 42.6% more than during 2005, when 3 458 900 tons of different liquid cargoes were handled.

By 26.5% has increased the number of passengers served at the Freeport of Riga. Last year 246 885 passengers were served, compared to 195 195 persons served during 2005. Of those 81 654 were cruise passengers.