Thu, 02/08/2007 - 00:00
The cargo turnover of the Freeport of Riga in January has been 1 837 800 tons, which is by 10.7% less than during January 2006, when 2 058 900 tons of cargoes were handled.

During the 1st month of the current year 1 091 600 tons of bulk cargoes were handled which is by 11% less than during the respective period of the last year, when 1 226 600 tons were handled.

The amount of general cargoes handled has dropped by 13.2%, reaching 353 000 tons, if comparing with January 2006, when 406 900 tons of general cargoes were handled.

The turnover of liquid cargoes in January was 393 200 tons, which is by 7.6% less than during respective period of 2006, when 425 400 tons of liquid cargoes were handled.

For 11 times has increased the number of passengers served at the Freeport of Riga. In January 12 314 passengers were served, compared to 1 116 persons served during January 2006.