Mon, 04/11/2005 - 01:00
During the first quarter of the current year the Freeport handled 5,7 MLN tons of cargoes, which is by 2.8% more than within respective period of the last year, when 5,5 MLN tons were handled.

The largest part of the cargoes handled constitute dry bulk cargoes – 3.1 MLN tons of these cargoes were handled, which is by 11,2% more than last year, when 2,7 MLN tons were handled.

During the first three months the turnover of liquid cargoes has risen by 3.7%, reaching 1.1 MLN tons.

The turnover of general cargoes in the Freeport of Riga has declined by 11.9% reaching 1.4 MLN tons. Within the respective period of the last year 1.6 MLN tons were handled.

A string of Baltic pearls New Baltic Cruise Partnership

The Baltic cruise industry has grown at a phenomenal rate – over 50 percent since 2000. This presents the harbours in the region with a significant challenge. Such growth demands both increased capacity and improved infrastructure for the harbours to serve new and larger s hips.