Wed, 01/19/2011 - 12:29

Yesterday, on 17 January, Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, arrived to Riga together with several state officials and a group of entrepreneurs. Ziya Mammadov, Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, came also to the Freeport of Riga Authority during the visit, where he met Leonīds Loginovs, CEO of the Freeport of Riga, and Viesturs Silenieks, Deputy Chairman of the Board.

Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Azerbaijan also previously was well-informed about the Freeport of Riga, and his assurance about the arranged operational environment and efficient administration system of this port was strengthened by a presentation prepared by the Freeport of Riga Authority. Minister of Transportation also asked questions about economic advantages provided by the status of the free economic zone, about lease conditions of the land in the port territory and such. By the end of the discussions a decision was made about experience exchange trip of Azerbaijan entrepreneurs to the Riga Port, and an invitation was received for the Latvian entrepreneurs to visit the port in Baku.

It was already reported that the presidents of Latvia and Azerbaijan have expressed determination to promote and widely develop relationships of both countries also in commercial, military and military technical, communication, transportation and logistics, civil aviation, tourism, health, science, education, youth, environmental protection and humanitarian fields. The Riga Port has a very significant role in realization of this determination.

The presidents emphasize that they will encourage investments and development of cooperation also in the fields of industry, finance, bank sector, information technologies, mechanical engineering, agriculture and food processing, and construction, as well as other sectors where both countries have mutual interests.
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