Wed, 07/08/2009 - 01:00
During the first half of this year 14.8 MLN tons of cargoes were handled at the Freeport of Riga which is by 3% more than during the first six months of 2008.

The largest increase has been in liquid cargo segment, where the amounts of cargoes handled during the first six months have increased by 30.4%, reaching 3.3 MLN tons. 3.28 MLN tons of oil products were handled at the port this year, which is by 31.3% more than last year.

The amount of bulk cargoes handled has increased by 2.9% reaching 9.6 MLN tons.

Regarding the bulk cargoes at the Freeport of Riga, coal was handled the most – 7.52 MLN tons which is by 13% more than during the first six months of 2008. Additionally, 1 MLN tons of chemical cargoes were handled which is by 13.1% more than during the respective period of last year.

238 000 tons of wood chips were handled, which is by 43.7% less than last year, and 97 500 tons of building materials which is by 71.1% less than during the first six months of last year.

The turnover of general cargoes has decreased by 25% reaching 1.86 MLN tons.

The number of containers handled has decreased by 12.7% to 87 461 TEU.

During 2009 the Freeport of Riga has also serviced 291 328 passengers, including 50 846 cruise passengers. The total number of passengers at the Freeport of Riga has increased by 60.2% if compared to 2008.