Wed, 04/03/2024 - 15:00
Senator for Economics and Innovation of Hamburg visited the Port of Riga

Today, on 3 April, Dr Melanie Leonhard, Senator for Economics and Innovation of Hamburg, visited the Freeport of Riga Authority together with a large German business delegation. The aim of the visit was to promote cooperation between the ports of Hamburg and Riga in the implementation of logistics, digitalisation and artificial intelligence solutions.

Discussions focused on global and regional geopolitical challenges and their impact on ports and logistics chains. The Senator for Economics and Innovation of Hamburg stressed that the Port of Riga has always been and will continue to be an important cooperation partner. Moreover, given the geopolitical context, digitalisation and the challenges of fast data exchange, cooperation between European ports is becoming increasingly important.

Presenting the development directions of the Port of Riga to the foreign guests, Ansis Zeltiņš, the Freeport of Riga CEO, stressed that one of the cornerstones of the future development of the Port of Riga is the implementation of smart industrial projects in the port area, especially in the green energy production segment. The progress of the solar energy and industrial park project in Spilve Meadows, the participation of the Port of Riga in the hydrogen research project “BalticSeaH2 - Baltic - Nordic Hydrogen Valley”, as well as research projects related to climate neutrality - the analysis of the possibilities of shore power connection in the Port of Riga and modernisation of auxiliary fleet vessels using alternative fuel solutions - were discussed.

The LVR Flote, the capital company of the Freeport of Riga Authority - a provider of port technical services, presented the innovation projects in the Port of Riga, emphasising the close cooperation with the Latvian mobile operator and technology company LMT in the development of 5G maritime technologies and testing of autonomous floating craft control. The participants also discussed the Freeport's involvement in a joint Latvian, British and Canadian project to develop a solution for the establishment of a single Remote Operations Centre (ROC).

“The priority areas of the Port of Riga are changing. Renewable energy projects, production and use of new fuels, development of energy efficiency solutions and reduction of CO2 footprint are currently on the agenda, while it should be noted that none of these initiatives can be implemented without modern IT and communication solutions”, noted Ansis Zeltiņš, the Freeport of Riga CEO.

Addressing the audience, Jens Meier, Hamburg Port Authority CEO, stressed that comprehensive port digitisation and automation is the only way to boost port security, which has become a major challenge due to geopolitical turmoil. It is also the only way to tackle the growing labour shortages facing ports across Europe.

The discussions will be continued in the framework of Latvian Days in Hamburg in early May, where the Hamburg Port Authority and companies operating in the port, as well as the Freeport of Riga Authority, LVR Flote and stevedoring companies operating in the Port of Riga will participate in the Latvian-Hamburg Business Forum.

Information for media

Liene Ozola
  • liene.ozola [at], +371 670 308 53
  • Freeport of Riga Authority
  • 12 Kalpaka blvd, Riga, Latvia, LV-1010